Monday, January 30, 2006

losing in spite of my behavior

down to 266 this week, in spite of not doing all that well (although not all that badly, either) eating last week, and not as much exercise as I wanted. Managed to walk once and lift weight three times last week, but I need to step up the cardio.

Monday, January 23, 2006

down again

WI was good today-down to 268, in spite of having an omelette and pancakes one night and pizza last night, and exercising less than I hoped to last week. I wonder how this week will go, providing the weather holds and I'll be able to walk at least 3 days at lunchtime.

Monday, January 16, 2006

down a little

Weigh in this morning was successfult-down to 269.5. I need to take a "before" photo, even though I'm down 8.5 lbs already-I think I'd like to track my progress a little better this time, including measuring chest, waist, etc.

I also need to figure out how to avoid pigging out at the in-laws. I just can't seem to control myself around goodies there. Other than pigging out there on Saturday, eating last week went well, including going out for Mexican food. I had shrimp fajitas, so the only calories/points were from the tortillas (might be fairly high, since they make their own and I'm sure they use lard), the oil used for sauteeing, the shrimp (low in calories) and the rice (probably pretty low-it's fairly dry and doesn't feel oily at all). Major victory-I didn't eat any chips and salsa-I usually gorge myself on those, but I didn't eat even one. I managed to avoid them by keeping myself busy taking care of my daughter. That might be a good restaurant strategy for me-if I'm busy with her, I'll be less likely to keep picking at my plate.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I need to blog more...

Ok, so I haven't been blogging like I thought I would, but I've been busy. Week weigh in was 271.5-down 6.5 lbs. I've mostly been doing well with food, with a couple bobbles here and there, but not bad at all. I've also been lifting weights and started walking, and so far, so good there too. I want to start measuring inches, too, to see reductions there. I'm still undecided as to whether I want to go back to WW, do the Mayo Clinic diet, or maybe just try to use the tracking tools to keep track of calories. My inclination is to go back to WW, since I know that it works for me, and calculating points is easy. Plus I already know points for so many foods that I can calculate on the fly when I need to.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

damn, a whole year gone by...

and not only did I NOT lose, but I'm back up to my previous highest weight, before starting to lose in April of 2002. Much has happened this last year, lots of stress, which I tried to drown in food, plus the utter lack of exercise. I'm debating whether to start WW again, or try the Mayo Clinic diet, or just on my own. I have a suspicion that on my own would result in failure-I need some sort of structure and a way to keep track. I could always do an Excel spreadsheet or something, but that's a pain, and I'd have to keep looking calories up all the time. Having online tools seems to work well for me, since keeping track of food is easy and fast. When I was on WW, I found that the online communities helped too, by keeping me motivated and informed, as well as providing incentive to go online and track my food and exercise.

I'm doing well on the food so far this week, and started lifting weights yesterday. I'm only a tad bit sore, too. I'm hoping to get on some sort of walking schedule too, within the next week.

Inspiration update: